Privacy Policy
The security and privacy of our customers is our highest priority. No information given to us will be disclosed to a third party.

All information entered onto our site is treated as strictly confidential and will not used for third party marketing. Customer details will not be rented, sold, disclosed or loaned to any third party.

When you place an order you will be required to provide us with your Name, Address and contact details. This data is necessary for the execution of the order and will be used for this purpose.

As part of our security policy, all credit card payments entered by a customer are transmitted over a secure (SSL) link using 128-bit encryption to our payment processor. This means, we will never directly access or store records of your credit card details.

Periodically we will email Newsletters with the latest news and special offers. You can choose to opt out of receiving these emails at anytime by simply unsubscribing from our email list.
You will not receive any marketing emails from us if you have chosen to unsubscribe.

Cookies Policy
What are Cookies?
Cookies are little text files that are used to store or retrieve information to perform certain functions and remember visits to a website. There are 2 main types of cookies; session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie is only accessible while your browser is open, and is deleted as soon as you navigate away from a website. A persistent cookie can remain on your computer for a predefined period of time or until they are forcibly deleted by you.

Managing Cookies
If you do not want to accept a cookie you can use your browser or device settings to deny or accept individual/all cookies. The procedure varies depending on your browser or device so please visit your browser or device's settings or help section for more details.

Are Cookies Necessary?
Cookies are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website. These are also used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your non checked out shopping cart for example.

These are also used to maintain your session when you log in to our website or when purchasing a product through our online shop. If you choose to deny this cookie, this will affect your ability to purchase online or to remain signed in on your account.

Third Party Cookies
Google Analytics cookies are used to recognise repeat visitors to our website. These cookies may contain some anonymous data such as the method you used to enter the website, the path you took within the site, individual pages you viewed and any options that you selected along the way. This enables us among other things to understand better where our customers arrive from, how long they spend on the site and what products are most viewed.